October 2015
Posted at: 10 Oct 2015
There’s a New Game of Thrones Book! (sort of)

George R.R. Martin, you’re playing with our hearts. There’s a new Game of Thrones book (a prequel story called A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms) out this week, which sparked the following conversation in our office: “WHOA. There’s a new George R.R. Martin book out today?” – Taylor “Yeah. I

Posted at: 07 Oct 2015
Literary Halloween Costumes

Halloween is nearly here! Now is the time to drag out cobwebbed decorations, stab pumpkins, and purchase large amounts of candy. And what of the big day? Do you have your costume planned out? If you’re visiting this page, there’s a fair chance you don’t. Well, no worries, you like

October 2015

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