May 2015
Posted at: 10 May 2015
Best Gifts for Book Loving Moms This Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is this weekend on Sunday, May 11th. If your mom enjoys reading, consider picking up some of these gifts for mothers who still enjoy a good book from time to time! Mother & Daughter Letter Box Set “Includes one 20 page book (to share) & over 40 cards

Posted at: 07 May 2015
Top 10 Twitter Accounts for Classic Literature Fans

Imitation is the highest form of flattery – and these Twitter accounts intend to keep a lot of these classic literature books alive through any means necessary. Love Shakespeare? Enjoy quotes from Mark Twain? Consider following some of these Twitter accounts: William Shakespeare, @shakespearesays What, pray, ist thou doing? Joined

Posted at: 06 May 2015
Book Review for Headstrong by Rachel Swaby

HEADSTRONG by Rachel Swaby starts with a fascinating (and slightly infuriating) anecdote. The opening line: This book about scientists began with Beef Stroganoff. According to the New York Times, Yvonne Brill made a mean one. Yvonne Brill was a rocket scientist, and a brilliant one – but the New York

Posted at: 05 May 2015
Sweet New Romances to Pick Up | Week of May 5th, 2015

Fans of historical fiction will enjoy Deeanne Gist’s Tiffany Girl, the tale of a progressive “New Woman” who helps complete the Tiffany chapel – while struggling with her own romantic interests. Not interested in the past? Pick up As Waters Gone By or Making Your Mind Up as women struggle

May 2015

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