Books to Read if You Like American Gods
08 Aug 2016
Life is rarely fantastical. A visit to the woods may provide you with much needed fresh air, but you will see no unicorns. A trip to the dentists will yield no armored knights kicking down doors to save you from your miserable appointment. Even sightings of once reliable sea monsters have grown fewer and fewer in the land of the Scotts. That’s where Neil Gaiman comes in. If you want to dose your reality with an aggressive blend of humor, anti-hero, and magic, you need look no further than his works. American Gods stands an original in a well worn genre, funny and innovative, ancient and modern. If you enjoy the weaving of the fantastical and the current day, you’re sure to enjoy this list of books to read if you like American Gods.
Books to Read if You Like American Gods
Zeus is Dead
Michael G. Munz
Release Date: March 6, 2016
After Zeus was murdered nine months ago, the Greek gods have been brought back into our world. While the pantheon is reveling in the media, Apollo is burdened by a long list of godly duties to fulfill. He thinks that he may be able to fix everything if he brings Zeus back to life, so he teams up with Thalia and two mortals to attempt to fulfill the prophecy. But whoever killed Zeus will stop short at nothing to prevent him from coming back, so Apollo must move quickly and watch his back.
Buy on AmazonBuy Nook BookBuy iBookThe Murdstone Trilogy
Mal Peet
Release Date: September 22, 2015
A once renowned young adult author, Phillip Murdstone finds himself in the unenviable position of being nearly forgotten. While his agent is convinced what he needs to break through is a good melee and magic story, Phillip doesn’t know even know where to begin. That is until he’s visited one evening by a dwarf…
Buy on AmazonBuy Nook BookBuy iBookGood Omens
Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Release Date: June 28, 2011
The Apocalypse is unfolding, just as an old witch prophesied. With the armies of good and evil gathering for the ultimate showdown, there seems to be little left to do but watch it all end…Except something that doesn’t quite fit into the doom and gloom is also transpiring. A particular angel and a happy go lucky demon, long time residents on Earth, aren’t looking forward to the end of the lives they’ve grown fond of. All the have to do to stop? Kill the Antichrist…if they can find the kid.
Buy on AmazonBuy Nook BookBuy iBookHounded
Kevin Hearne
Release Date: May 3, 2011
Atticus isn’t a normal, 21-year-old occult bookstore owner. No, he’s a 21-hundred-year-old druid with shapeshifting abilities and a very nice sword. Life in 21st century Arizona is treating him well. Right up until a Celtic God who’s been pestering him for decades decides he wants the sword.
Buy on AmazonThe Outsorcerer’s Apprentice
Tom Holt
Release Date: July 15, 2014
Productivity was high in an uncountable number of goblin armies, dragon lairs, and other fantastical organizations, worker’s rights be damned. Everything was going swimmingly, right up until a young and somewhat clueless entrepreneur throws their whole system out the window…and reality will be the next to go.
Buy on AmazonBuy Nook BookBuy iBookStone Guardian
Danielle Monsch
Release Date: June 26, 2013
Fantasy invaded the big city years ago, in an event known as the Great Collision. So when Larissa steps out of her high rise to be chased by a mob of zombies, it’s almost totally normal. And when she’s rescued by gargoyle, Terak? That’s also just expected behavior. But when the two of them discover Larissa was singled out, the attack seems more malicious than mindless. Can they discover what would motivate a necromancer to capture her before it’s too late?
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