As major events occur throughout history, people leave behind many stunning stories for future generations. From tales of overcoming adversity, to triumphs of war, reading about world history is sure to keep you engaged and inspired. The events during World War II have inspired many authors to write the stories of people from all...
If you have never sat and cried through a John Green novel, we suggest you go do that before finishing this blog post. Seriously. Go. Right now. You can thank us later. When you have done that, you will find yourself exactly where we are: craving new books like Paper...
This week has releases from best sellers and debut authors across several genres. Looking for a romance? Atone by Beth Yarnell follows a man pulled into the dark world of a beautiful woman searching for her sister, while A Girl’s Guide to Moving On follows two women that leave their marriages in...
Care to ponder over the big questions of life? Or just slip into someone else’s shoes for a change? Follow the life of a genius as he moves across America in A Doubter’s Almanac by bestselling author Ethan Canin, or a Russian woman as her life is explored from childhood to...
Interested in an original, thought provoking story to read? If you like to bend your mind around wild, new perspectives, then Álvaro Enrigue’s Sudden Death may be the book for you. Robert Allison’s new release The Letter Bearer features an amnesiac WWII messenger struggling to survive in Africa amongst deserters and enemies....