
Now In Paperback in July
16 Jul 2015

Now In Paperback in July

Bestselling novels now in paperback! Mystery      Literary Fiction Romance Young Adult Biographies and Memoirs Sign up for our email and we’ll send you the best new books in your favorite genres weekly. 

Top Bookish Instagrammers to Follow
16 Jul 2015

Top Bookish Instagrammers to Follow

Chances are you’re on Instagram, one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the world. If you’re not, joining will make you a part of a witty picture world that 300 million other active users. The best part? The #bookstagram community, which is full of bibliophiles who post &...

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Contemporary Young Adult Bloggers to Follow
15 Jul 2015

Contemporary Young Adult Bloggers to Follow

We enjoy a good YA read here at NewInBooks—but there’s so many genres to choose from! This week, we bring you young adult bloggers who review contemporary young adult fiction.   Perpetual Page Turner A cute blog that reviews a wide span of contemporary young adult and adult books. If you don’t...

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Interview with Emily Bingham, author of Irrepressible
13 Jul 2015

Interview with Emily Bingham, author of Irrepressible

Tell us a little bit about your new release, Irrepressible. My great aunt Henrietta Bingham was almost never mentioned while I was growing up in the 1970s and 80s, but when I heard that she'd spent time in London among the Bloomsbury crowd (the coterie of intellectuals and artists that formed around Virginia Woolf and her sister the painter Vanessa Bell) I took notice. And when my grandmother said in an aside during an oral history I did with her in the 1990s that she was incredibly sophisticated and alluring, but "an invert, you know," I was intrigued.

The News in Books | July 10
10 Jul 2015

The News in Books | July 10

Movies, Miscavige, Mockingbirds and more in this week’s News in Books! Watching out for Watchman Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee is coming out next Tuesday! It is the most pre-ordered book in her publisher’s history (our team definitely accounts for a few of those pre-orders!) But Harper once...

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