The Candle Room is Daniel Gentile’s debut novel, and it is a stunning legal thriller that follows the story of Zach, an attorney who just opened his own private practice. His first client brings him a mysterious case that involves a murder victim with a deadly secret, and it ends...
Kidnapping? Murder? Secrets? Sounds like another great week of new releases from best selling authors. Perfect Days, the english language debut of author Raphael Montes, follows a med student who kidnaps his crush to convince her they were destined to be together. A single mother’s worst nightmare occurs in the award winning book The...
Jackie Collins is known for her steamy romance novels, thrilling exposés, suspenseful action and strong female protagonists. Whatever it is you look for in Jackie Collins books, she doesn’t disappoint. We’ve compiled a list of books to read by authors like Jackie Collins whose books have something of that special...
If you’re ready for a new high speed, high action read, pick up James Patterson’s newest novel NYPD Red 4. Looking for a more immersive experience? Haven’t gotten your fill of British Detectives? Murder on a Summer’s Day by Frances Brody puts you on the trail with Kate Shackleton as she seeks...
James Patterson and John Grisham are known for writing heart racing, unputdownable books. Their chart-topping novels have got us all clamoring for more, and it seems like they can’t write books fast enough for the fiendishly literate. If you need a little something suspenseful to tide you over to their next...
Anton Svensson’s flawlessly constructed new thriller, The Father, follows the transformation of three boys as they turn into some of Sweden’s most wanted criminals. The novel has attracted the attention of people from all around the world, and authors and readers alike are raving about it. The Guardian called it a “powerful...
This week’s exciting new reads follow a special, sleuthy theme. Bestselling author Sara Blaedel weaves the past and present together as a special service agent searches for a lost girl in The Killing Forest. In the New York Times top rated crime thriller Keep Calm, former Michigan detective Adam Tatum takes on a special case without realizing how high the stakes really are....
Preston and Child are the ultimate masters of the mystery/thriller genre, with Special Agent Aloysius Pendergast leading the way in 15 novels alongside a cast of colorful characters. With the quick-witted and smooth-talking agent at the helm, it’s no surprise that they keep churning out exciting plots that keep readers...
Chelle Bliss’ suspenseful new romance, Enshrine, is a dramatic exploration of what can happen when two people’s lives collide. Chelle Bliss has received rave reviews from NY Times Bestselling authors who call the novel “beautiful”, “poignant”, and a “palpable, real life romance.” This gripping story will both entertain and provoke the minds of dedicated...