Jeff Gunhus‘ exciting new thriller, Killer Pursuit, follows FBI Special Agent Allison McNeil as she investigates the brutal murder of a high-society Washington D.C. call girl. Her best lead to finding the killer is from the secret webcam hidden in the call girl’s Georgetown bedroom. Allison quickly discovers that she’s not the only person...
Fans of Vince Flynn books mourned when he passed away in 2013 and took his genius for political thrillers with him. Thankfully Kyle Mills took up the mantle of the Vince Flynn series starring Mitch Rapp with this fall’s release of The Survivor, so there is no need to say...
If you’ve already read all the books by Gillian Flynn- Dark Places, Sharp Objects, and of course Gone Girl – there are a number of new positively thrilling books to read that will satisfy your craving for the psychologically suspenseful. The following authors have achieved a masterful balance of action, horror, suspense, and mystery,...
If you are looking for a high-adrenaline thriller, look no further than Orphan X. Fans of psychological thrillers will want to read The Winter Girl, a story of dangerous obsession. Sign up for our email and we’ll send you the best new books to read in your favorite genres weekly.
If you’re a fan of action-packed thrillers, you’ve probably heard of the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. Reacher, a former Major in the US Army, drifts across the United States to investigate crimes and battle in dangerous situations. Child has written a whopping 20 books in the Jack Reacher universe and...
This week’s new mystery and thriller releases continue quite a few favorite series, so be sure not to miss any of them. Detectives Kovac and Liska return with a fresh (and not so fresh) crime in The Bitter Season. The latest from Stuart Woods is finally available as Stone Barrington...