We have some high octane Young Adult reads in store this week, with The Leveler (a thriller set in a dark, virtual world) and The Rules (a suspenseful thriller with just and edge of Horror). Looking for something sweeter, take a look at Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway. Sign...
A Truly eclectic mix of Memoirs and Biographies await Non Fiction readers this week. From the funny Down the Rabbit Hole, by Holly Madison to the poignant Stir by Jessica Fechtor, to the sobering Blackout by Sarah Hepola, you jut might get lost while walking in these author’s shoes. ...
And this friends, is the news in books: Get Smart with TED and Entrepreneur Curated Books The smart people over at TED related their list of 70 recommended summer reads. Interested in both Non Fiction and Fiction spanning a variety of subjects? Check out their list Here ↦ Also, check out Bookstck,...
The new 50 Shades of Grey book comes out on June 18th. There’s a ton of buzz about it already, as well as a couple of crazy things. We’ll be compiling all of the interesting tidbits about the book and the release (there are a bunch already!) through release...
Get in the mood to celebrate America in all of it’s independent, patriotic glory on the 4th of July with these thrillers about American agents doing good around the globe and at home, and, of course, blowing things up every once and a while. Want to win some of these...
5 Favorite Women’s Fiction Blogs Bloggers are an essential part of the online reading community, so we at NewInBooks have decided share some of our favorite online book bloggers with you every week! Since summer is the perfect time to read Sophie Kinsella or Maria Semple on the beach with a pina colada (or...
This week, fun in the sun will be made better by Elin Hilderbrand’s The Rumor, and Dean Bakopoulous’ Summerlong. Sign up for our email and we’ll send you the best new books in your favorite genres weekly.
Get your daily dose of suspense from Arrow’s Hell; your daily dose of wit from Melissa Foster’s Healed by Love; and your daily dose of steam in Opening Up by NYT Best selling author Lauren Dane. Sign up for our email and we’ll send you the best new books in...
For contemporary tales of friends, family, and food, check out In a French Kitchen, by Susan Herrmann Loomis, and You Look Like That Girl by child star Lisa Jakub. To satisfy a more historical craving, pick up Evan Thomas’ Becoming Nixon and Emily Bingham’s Irrepressible. Sign up for our email and...