Interview with Addison Moore, Author of Kittyzen’s Arrest
23 Sep 2019
What can you tell us about your new release, Kittyzen’s Arrest?
Kittyzen’s Arrest kicks off a whole new series by me, Addison Moore, and my partner in cozy crime, Bellamy Bloom. We’re so excited to bring readers to the fabulous Country Cottage Inn, set in coastal Maine where sunshine and salty sea air take a backseat to murder.
What or who inspired you to become an author?
Both Bellamy and I are voracious readers. There is just something innate in our blood that drives us to books. We were both raised on a steady diet of reading and have no intention to deny ourselves the pleasure of a good book. At the end of the day, it’s a literary addiction. So we figured what better way to delve deeper into our favorite pastime of reading than to actually write fiction as well. It’s so much fun to play in the story-world we’ve created. Writing is the most fulfilling, enjoyable career we could have ever asked for.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
So hard! Just five? We’ll give it a try. For sure Sylvia Plath’s the Bell Jar, Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarity, In a Dark Dark Wood, Ruth Ware, and last, but never least, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
This one is easy! Reese Witherspoon! Oh the fun we would have talking about her amazing book club. We’re huge fans, and we would lose our minds for a chance to talk to Reese about all things book related!
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
For sure we can both agree our favorite part about writing a book is creating memorable characters and putting them in dangerous situations we would never want to find ourselves in. Writing an enjoyable storyline is always the goal.
What is a typical day like for you?
Both Bellamy and I get an early start to the day and head straight into writing and revisions. One of us is always either writing or revising. It’s basically lather, rise, repeat—and yet no two days are ever alike! And we love what we do more than anything. We are so very grateful.
What scene in Kittyzen’s Arrest was your favorite to write?
This is easy too, and it goes for the both of us. Any scene in the book with a character by the name of Georgie Conner is just pure bliss. Georgie is an elderly gal who has more spunk and hutzpah than most people can muster or stand. She is a riot! And we hope our readers will enjoy her, too.
Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?
Our favorite quote of all time!
“While they were saying among themselves that it couldn’t be done, it was done.”
—Helen Keller
Addison Moore is the author of the new book Kittyzen’s Arrest.
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