Interview with Alec Peche, Author of Now You Don’t See Me
20 Jul 2021
What can you tell us about your new release, Now You Don’t See Me?
In the past two years, I’ve branched out into reading in the Urban Fantasy, Lit RPG, and Paranormal Mystery genres. I also have fond memories of a 1970s show called The Bionic Woman. It was based on a novel called Cyborg by Martin Caidin. So I wanted to branch into the paranormal area, but I had more ideas of what I didn’t want in the story, than which paranormal talent I wanted for my protagonist.
My story is less dramatic than the Bionic Woman in that my protagonist was not re-built with computer parts. Rather, she has a paranormal talent that was activated by her near-death experience while she was a cop. After giving thought about how and where she could use this special talent, she signed on with the CIA and did hostage rescue for the agency. She’s a kick-ass, fifty-something asset to the CIA. She has to determine if nuclear bombs are being built, where, and why, and like in any good thriller, she’ll save the world at some point.
What or who inspired you to become an author?
I’ve studied people my entire life. I’m an introvert and I like to understand people. That’s evolved into making stories about people when I didn’t have enough information to know their true story. That grew into story-telling which is what being an author is all about – telling a good story that helps you escape into the pages.
What’s on your top 5 list for the best books you’ve ever read?
I like series as it’s nice to bond with characters over the length of many stories. My favorite series are: “In Death” by JD Robb – 54 books so far, Inspector Gamache by Louise Penny – 17 books, Gabriel Allon by Daniel Silva – 21 books, Spenser by Robert Parker – 50+ though they’re now written by his estate, and Ally Reynolds/Joanne Brady by JA Jance – 34 books in the two series.
Say you’re the host of a literary talk show. Who would be your first guest? What would you want to ask?
Dame Agatha Christie would be my guest and I would ask her what it was like producing mysteries in a vastly different time than today. Specifically what framework constrained her writing at that time?
What’s your favorite thing about writing?
Much like running, writing is something that can be done almost anywhere. There is a part of Now You Don’t See Me devoted to creating nuclear bombs. I was flying at 35,000 feet using the plane’s Wi-Fi to help me understand how bombs work and what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I kept one eyeball off to the aisle wondering when an air marshal would show up and handcuff me for reading about bombs while flying in a commercial jet.
I also enjoy learning. There is research I have to do for every book. I had longed heard that the world was worried about Iran enriching uranium. I didn’t understand what the meant or how it occurred. Now I do!
What is a typical day like for you?
I’m a full time writer. I have 17 books in print and digital, and 4 boxsets digital only. They become a lot to manage. I also spend at least half of my office time writing the next book which at this time in the second book in the Michelle Watson series.
I also serve on the National Board of Sisters in Crime and always have lots to do to help that organization grow.
What scene from Now You Don’t See Me was your favorite to write?
My favorite scene to write was when Michelle and her partner were caught by an evil person and held at gunpoint. I really had the opportunity to explore Michelle’s special teleportation talent in terms of creatively saving her and her partner’s lives.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
What is to be will be. My mother, at 91, is suffering from a variety of ailments, but she tells me that phrase weekly. A more modern take on that is don’t sweat the small stuff or simply chill. I’m always a happy person humbled by the many opportunities that have crossed my path.
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