
Interview with Jack Wallace, Author of No Good Deed

What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write No Good Deed?

Several years ago, I read in our Nashville newspaper about a raid on the Golden Massage, a spa was located in a commercial strip mall in a tony area known as Green Hills. This massage parlor advertised its services through Backpage ads for “massages by pretty Asian girls.”  Police raided four establishments that day and arrested ten women. The spas were owned by a Chinese man living locally in a large house. Some of the women lived in that house, others lived illegally at the spas. Most of the women spoke little English, had no identification, and could not identify the town where they were living.  The women were bailed out and soon disappeared. 

As I followed the story over several days, it was clear they had been trafficked across other cities since arriving in the U.S. With a bit of research, I learned their story was a familiar pattern of sex trafficking women from China, South Korea, and other countries to cities across the U.S., Canada, and throughout Europe. 

From this real-life incident came the idea of No Good Deed, the fictional story about a man who unintentionally becomes involved in helping a Korean woman escape from traffickers. 

What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?

I read many genres, including literary, mystery/thriller, and history. I’ve written mystery/thrillers and also mainstream fiction.

What books are on your TBR pile right now?

I have new books TBR by CJ Box, John Sandford, and Jonathan Kellerman. I am currently reading Anne Lamott’s new book: Somehow: Thoughts on Love.

What scene in your book was your favorite to write?

The last scene with Kim in San Francisco.

Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)

I do my best writing in the early morning hours with a good cup of coffee, and with my Lucy, my red Lab, parked at my feet. 

Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

Always do the right thing, no matter the cost. Doing the wrong thing will ultimately cost you more. 

If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?

The exploitation of the vulnerable is a horrific crime and erodes your humanity. Sex trafficking is particularly heinous. 


Jack Wallace is the author of the new book No Good Deed

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