What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Cinders Burn at Midnight (Trium Perfectum Series Book 1)?
When I was about 28/29, I woke up with these damn characters in my head…and they would not stop. Would. Not. Stop. Talking to me. When the idea first came to me, I had no self-esteem. I was a young mom, and I had no sense of self. I rarely picked out anything other than music or a favorite television show. I struggled a lot with just living. I knew if I tried anything, I’d mess it up. I’d always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t try because of my low self-esteem. But… and I don’t have to tell you how wrong all those thoughts were… So I figured, what the hell? I’ll do what they ask. The minute the pen went to paper (because I had written the entire thing by hand at that point), it was like a light clicked on for me. It lit a fire inside me that nothing except becoming a mother had done. It made me realize I had a purpose, and it set a lot of things in motion. I wanted to be a good mother, and writing changed everything. I basically blew up my life (metaphorically) and started on a path to get to the point I am at today. I write for someone I used to be who didn’t believe in herself. I also write it for others who don’t think they can do something they want to do because of whatever factors are telling them they can’t. Yes. You can. You just have to find the right way for you.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Cinders Burn at Midnight (Trium Perfectum Series Book 1), what would they be?
I have them already! “Hero” by Regina Spektor for Kaitlin Gilbert. “Stolen Dance” by Milky Chance for Finn Avery.
Sidenote: all of the characters except a few antagonists have songs they gravitate toward. I find that they really show me their personality with music.
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
Fantasy/sci-fi is the genre I like to write in. Although I love sci-fi, I hadn’t dived too deeply into writing it. I’ve always leaned toward fantasy more. However, when I was ghostwriting, I discovered that I really enjoyed writing contemporary romance, which was a surprise.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
Gah, too many things. Being a heavy presence on Bookstagram has opened me up to a whole new world of authors in every stage of their writing journey. I’m lucky because by forming those bonds I get to beta and ARC for some amazing people. Then there are the others who have incredible books and at this point, I read so slowly that I’ll probably die under a pile of TBR, but there are just so many good ones out there it’s hard not to add all of them to the list. I’m starting A.C. Wonderland’s One Shot soon!
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
That’s a great question and a difficult one to peg down. I have a novella introducing readers to the world called “An Accidental Faerie Tale”. It’s a MM dark fantasy/romance, and Max and Aiden fall under the enemies-to-lovers category. I really enjoy writing scenes with that kind of tension. But for Cinders, my favorite parts were the ones where Kaitlin began asserting herself, sticking up for what was right even though it went against the grain of what she was always told she was supposed to be.
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I’m sure I do, I’m not sure if it’s a habit or not, but when I clean, I put headphones on and let the characters have a dance party in my head.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
Keep moving forward. (Meet the Robinsons) And, the only way you fail is by giving up. Any mistakes made are lessons learned, and it’s up to us to decide how we will tackle the lesson.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
Mental health is not a joke. It’s a serious situation that can affect our brain and body chemistry. Things like depression, flashbacks, and panic attacks can attack a person at a cellular level. Going through trauma and facing it is going to be the worst and most worthwhile thing anyone ever does for themselves. Always ask for help. Someone is there; if you can’t find someone, look outside your circle. Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with someone, or a community. Keep looking and believing in yourself, even if it’s only a spark. Everyone deserves to find peace.
Kara M. Zone is the author of the new book Cinders Burn at Midnight (Trium Perfectum Series Book One)
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