Interview with Karen Kay, Author of She Captures My Heart
21 Dec 2022
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write She Captures My Heart?
The Native American Medicine Man has always intrigued me because he was known to be able to heal people with natural remedies, as well as to help them become well by means of rhythm and song. Sometimes the medicine man was known to be able to see into the future and often he was aware of what was in the environment for many miles around him. The old Native American Scout also had this ability. There is a lot we don’t today know about these gallant men and it intrigued me to be able to research this and write about it.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of She Captures My Heart, what would they be?
For the heroine, Amelia McIntosh, I would pick the song, “A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL,” by Roy Obison. I would pick this song because she brings beauty and love into the hero’s life. For the hero, Gray Falcon, it would be “HEART TAKER,” by John Trudell. This is a beautiful and romantic poem/song by John Trudell.
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
Romance, of course. But I also enjoy Fantasy, Paranormal, and Adventure. But with other genres, for me, it must have a romantic element. Also, I love reading Native American history for my stories. This research, as we call it, is truly the icing on the cake.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
Mostly I have research books on my TBR list: AN INDIAN WINTER by James Willard Schultz; THE SUN GOD’S CHILDREN, by James Willard Schultz; IN THE GREAT APACHE FOREST, by James Willard Schultz; FOOLS CROW by Thomas E. Mails; BLACKFEET AND BUFFALO, by James Willard Schultz. There are others but, at present, these are what I have waiting for me.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
There’s a scene in the book near the middle of it where the heroine “comes clean” with the hero and confesses not only what’s in her heart, but the terrible problem she is facing and how she hopes it might affect him and her. I didn’t really know what his reaction was going to be to this. At first he was a little angry with her, but then, when he began to tease her and to court her for real, his antics made me giggle a little
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
Hmmm. I like to be warm when I write, especially I like warmth on my feet. Must have my coffee handy, also. And, when I am creatively writing (not editing), I love to have music playing in the background.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
Another hmmm moment… I guess when it comes to writing, it might be “finish what I start.” Also, it applies to other things, like housework…finish what I start. Sometimes not easy to do, but if I don’t do it, my mind seems to get cluttered. So the motto, “Finish what I start,” would work well, I think.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
I think I might like for people to think about this: that people are people regardless of color. An Apache Medicine Man once said that we are all one race, the human race, and it comes in different colors. I think he was very wise.
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