
Interview with KD Pryor, Author of The Fae (Of Gods and Monsters Book 2)

What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write The Fae (Of Gods and Monsters Book 2)?

“The Fae” is the second book in the Of Gods and Monsters series. Ireland and Irish mythology inspired the series and feature heavily in “The Fae”. I’ve had the joy of traveling to Ireland many times since 2001. I love the country, the people, and the feeling I have whenever I’m visiting. I knew I wanted to set a book in Ireland at some point. When I came up with the idea for the Of Gods and Monsters series, my husband and I were living in Galway for his work. The first inklings of the series came to me during take-off on a flight from Dublin. I’d put my head back as the plane began its ascent, and an idea popped into my head about particular people, specific women, who could change things via their dreams. I’d been reading Irish fairy tales and Celtic mythology stories, so it was a natural step to connect the women who changed things via their dreams to the Celtic goddess of dreams. “The Fae” continues the story begun in book one, “The Dreammasters.”

What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?

I don’t have a favorite genre. I love to read psychological mysteries, thrillers, mysteries with a supernatural twist, and gothic fiction. I do love to read women’s paranormal fiction and most novels with a paranormal twist. I also prefer to read books with a mystery for the protagonist to solve.

What books are on your TBR pile right now?

The books on my TBR pile include: “Heir of Uncertain Magic” Book 2 in the The Whimbrel House series by Charlie N. Holmberg, the last two books in the Messages of Murder series by Dawn Merriman, and “The Spirit Girls”, the first book in Dawn Merriman’s new Rylan Flynn mystery series.

What scene in your book was your favorite to write?

In “The Fae”, one of the main characters is from the Otherworld, the land of the Fae. The scene in the Otherworld was a pivotal scene in the story when important discoveries are made. I loved writing that scene. It gave me the opportunity to visualize my idea of the land where the Tuatha Dé Danann and the rest of the Fae inhabit. It’s a beautiful land but there are darker elements lurking there as well. I hope to take my characters back into the Otherworld in future books.

Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)

I don’t really have any quirky habit around my writing. I do like to have a cup of coffee nearby as I start my writing day. I suppose I am a little nervous about spilling things on my computer and ruining my work, so I keep the coffee a good distance from my keyboard. My only other necessity is a notebook for jotting down ideas and lists of plot points as they come to me. The notebook is also handy for getting any nagging and distracting thoughts out of my head and on paper before they become distractions. If they’re written down, I won’t forget them and can address them later.

Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

I believe in the “Early to bed, early to rise”, philosophy from Ben Franklin. I feel better and work better if I live by that motto and get started with my work early in the day. I also love a quote by C.S. Lewis and find it applicable to my genre and many of the books I love to read. The quote is: “One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.” I’m not sure you’re ever a wrong age to read fairytales. I think we just get too serious and forget to allow ourselves the fun of reading fairytales, and that’s a shame.

If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?

Never fear, Aisling’s adventure doesn’t end with The Fae” but will continue in Book 3, “The Fomorians”.


KD Pryor is the author of the new book The Fae (Of Gods and Monsters Book 2)

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