Interview with Lane Cohen, Author of Borrowed Time
30 Mar 2022
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Borrowed Time?
When I was a kid, my dad took me to see the 1960 version of The Time Machine, and I remember thinking that the prop machine in the film was just about the coolest thing in the world. Recently that film was shown on TGM. I watched it again and wondered whatever happened to that machine? And I immediately thought of a story in which the machine survived to present day, and is converted into a real time machine by a professor of advanced physics.
If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Borrowed Time, what would they be?
The theme song from the film, Silverado.
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
Sci-fi, especially time travel.
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
It Happened in Silence, The Last Flight, and One Year After.
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
When our time travelers from present day face down with real outlaws in a 1879 old west saloon.
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
My dog is almost always with me. He helps me focus and grounds me.
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Moliere
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
Your memory of past events is the greatest time machine of all.
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