
Interview with Lorelei James, author of All You Need

What can you tell us about your new release, All You Need?

It’s the third book in the Need You series featuring the lone Lund daughter. Annika loves being part of Lund Industries in the PR department, but she has a hard time saying no when it comes to “favors” for her family. That’s how she ends up mixed up with Axl Hammerquist, the supposed bad boy of hockey.

What’s on the top 5 list for best books you’ve ever read?

Gone With the Wind. Naked In Death. The Stand. Little House on the Prairie. The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew mystery)

Which books would we be surprised to find on your shelves?

I have a ton of cookbooks. And I tend to buy research books rather than relying on the internet so I have a pretty substantial pile of nonfiction, everything from ballroom dancing to horse training, to an odd book I picked up titled Sex With Kings.

What’s a typical day like for you?

I seem to be getting up later now that I don’t have kids to rouse in the morning. I also stay up later at night. Depending on the stage of writing I’m in with a book, I’ll answer email etc. in the morning, walk the dog and then come home and work. Sometimes I actually shower, haha. Then if I’m under deadline I’m up late writing and I stay away from TV and the internet. I also leave my phone in the kitchen so I’m not tempted to dink around on Instagram.

Who was your childhood hero?

Nancy Drew. Man. She was so daring. And she had an awesome car and a college-aged boyfriend and she was the leader of her pack of friends.

What is the one movie you can quote the most?

Dodgeball for a comedy. ANY Disney movie from the 90’s — yes, I totally sang along when we recently went to see Beauty and the Beast

What scene in All You Need was your favorite to write?

The opening scene because it took several tries to get it right (writing cuts and additions that no one, not even my editor sees). The first chapter is always the one that changes the most in any of my books during the writing process. Sometimes I don’t know what type of scene will have the most impact until I’m completely through the first rough draft.

Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?

Not really anything specific, but I do like to read sarcastic memes about inspiration…it’s good to start any day out with a laugh or two.


Lorelei James is the author of the new book All You Need

Connect with Lorelei:
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