Interview with Marie Bilodeau, Author of Oath Breaker
08 Nov 2023
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Oath Breaker?
When I was in my twenties, I wrote the epic fantasy story that I really wanted to read—three kickass women (aged 16 to 25) coming together despite their differences to stop an evil god from being reborn. That was my first published trilogy: The Heirs of a Broken Land. I’ve always wanted to go back to that world and those characters, but waited until the rights reverted back to me, which they finally did a couple of years ago. And you can read this new trilogy without reading the first one, too, in case it calls more to you!
I’m twenty years older, now, and am again writing the story I want to read, by bringing my characters twenty years into the future. Things haven’t gone as planned, and the shadows of the battlefield are long and hard to escape…what will my three heroines do now that it seems another battle is afoot? They’re older, have taken lots of hits, and now have families of their own. Will they stand and fight again, or will they let their young adult children go off to fight the demons for them?
(spoiler alert: that’s a hard no. Ha! But the world might have different plans…) It was such a joy to return to this world and these characters, and I can’t wait for (many!) more stories!
What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?
Right now I’m on a huge science-fiction and fantasy novella kick, but I love thrillers, mysteries, romance, horror (zombies!)…all the genres, and poetry, and non-fiction… Reading is my main inspiration for writing, and I can’t thank all the wonderful writers out there enough for keeping my brain happily fed!
What books are on your TBR pile right now?
‘Tis a teetering pile, as always. A few near the top: “Pluralities,” by Avi Silver, “Shattered Spirits: The Fall of Ishcairn,” by Cal Black, and “Easter Pinkerton and the Case of the Heretic Blood” by Evan May. All by amazing Canadian authors and published independently or by small presses. *swoon*
What scene in your book was your favorite to write?
Forced to do so (and only under duress), I think I’d have to pick the reunion between the sorceress and the warrior as my favorite scene. They were frenemies at best in the first trilogy, and it kills the warrior that she has to ask the sorceress for help…but she’s also thrilled to see her again. The two are like an old bickering couple—they’re sarcastic with each other and tell each other off, but are fiercely protective of one another. Having them reunite for the first time in so many years was, well, I’ll let you find out!
Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)
I don’t think I have any quirky writing habits, thank you very much (types this on one of three mechanical keyboards, obviously the one for non-fic and freelance work, while drinking from favorite Monday mug and wearing shiny handwarmers for practicality and fanciness).
Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?
I have a whole little row of “reminders to self” taped on the bottom of my monitor. The one I’m currently favoring, and try to remind myself often of, is: Be brave, be bold, be kind.
If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?
The feeling that there is no point in life in which you can’t be the hero. That you make a difference. Especially for older women: that you are seen, and that you matter.
Marie Bilodeau is the author of the new book Oath Breaker: Keepers of a Broken Land 1
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