What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write The Right Side of Wrong?
Sometimes inspiration for a story is clear. Someone says something and boom, it hits you. That didn’t happen with this book. This one just walloped me over the head. One minute I’m working on one book and the next, Paige and Slade have taken control of my mind. I had to stop the book I was working on and write their story. For me, writing has to be that way. It’s not something I can control. When I try, the story doesn’t feel right. As soon as I let go, the words, the characters come freely.
If you woke up in the world of The Right Side of Wrong, what is the first thing you would do?
Well, I guess that depends on what page I woke up on. LOL! But I think the first thing I’d do is hug Paige and Slade. They both could use a good, long hug.
If you had to write a blurb for the last book you read, what would it say?
So blurbs are the worst. I find them incredibly difficult to write. It’s hard to capture the essence of a story in a couple of lines. I’m required to do it for my books, but I’m not about to try to do it for someone else’s work.
Where did you write The Right Side of Wrong?
I almost always write my books in bed, and my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is almost always right beside me.
Pretend you qualified for the Olympics this year. What sport would you compete in?
First off, I’m not very sporty. But I do love to watch the Olympics. I would probably want to compete in tennis because my hubs and my daughter both play.

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