
Interview with Rebekah Purdy, author of The Summer Marked

Tell us a little bit about your new release, The Summer Marked.

Summer Marked picks up where The Winter People left off (and is told from alternating point of views of Salome and Kadie). There are a lot more horror and fantasy elements in this installment (inside cover blurb: Salome left humankind behind to be with her boyfriend, Gareth, in the Kingdom of Summer. But now forces of darkness are rising. Her happily-ever-after is coming apart, and the Kingdom is on the brink of war.

Which books would we be surprised to find on your shelves?

LOL…ah, I have so many books, I read mostly YA, but I guess a few people would be surprised to learn I had the V.C. Andrews books (Flowers in the Attic etc), I also have The Historian, Catcher in the Rye, Little House on the Prairie Series, and I still own the Fear Street books I bought as a teen (along with all my Christopher Pike and L.J. Smith books).

What’s something you’re truly terrible at doing?

Cooking! I’m seriously horrible at it. My hubby does most of the cooking in our house (to the relief of my kids).

How do you like to spend a rainy day?

When I’m not at the day job, I like to write and read on my rainy days.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

That guy you meet at the beach at the end of 9th grade, DO NOT GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER. I know he’s hot, but you’ll waste two years of high school on this guy and you’ll give up things you love—and in the end he’ll cheat on you and leave you broken. STAY FAR AWAY FROM HIM—and it really does getter better so hang in there. Smile more. Hang out with your friends. Enjoy high school.

Who are your literary heroes?

For authors it’d have to be: Jane Austen, L.J. Smith, Bram Stoker, C.S. Lewis, R.L. Stine, Christopher Pike…characters hands down Elizabeth Bennet

What’s the last song that was stuck in your head?

Stars by Collabro (it’s a song from Les Miserables).

What’s your favorite quote from The Summer Marked?

I actually kind of like this quote: I closed my eyes, letting the darkness embrace me. No more would I fear the night, or the shadows, or monsters—because I was the dark. I was the night. I am a monster.

Do you have a motto, quote or philosophy you live by?

“No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” –Yoda

Author Pic 1 Rebekah Purdy

Rebekah L. Purdy is the author of the new book The Summer Marked.

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