Interview with Steven Twitty, Author of Betwixt And Between

12 Feb 2025

What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Betwixt And Between?

This was a story that grew from an idea I was tinkering with, a story of an international spy who finds himself in NYC with no memory of himself or the woman he loves. His quest, I figured, would be finding his lover and solving the truth behind the mystery. I had not progressed far in the story when I was thunderstruck by an idea – I had, at one point, read about tulpas and tulpamancers, the latter being mortal humans with the power to create beings (tulpas) through concentrated thought. I realized that in a way, author’s of fiction are a type of tulpamancer since they also create beings through their characters, though I know of no authors who actually expect their characters to appear as an actual being. But – what if they did? What if every character ever created exists and what if the characters in published books are absorbed into their story, their forever home, so to speak? And, what if the characters in incomplete or unpublished manuscripts end up in some form of literary purgatory, living their lives the best they can while they wait to be released back into their story, if that were to happen?

If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of Betwixt And Between, what would they be?

The theme song to all James Bond movies.

What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write?

I don’t think I have a favorite genre. I read Ernest Hemingway, Michael Crichton, Tim Gautreaux, David Darling, David Christian and Stephen Hawking, to name a few. I read not only for the story, if there is one, but to learn.

What books are on your TBR pile right now?

Anything about Baja California (geology/flora and fauna). J.G. Ballard (The Drowned World), Stanley Robinson (The Ministry For The Future) – all related to the story I am currently writing.

What scene in your book was your favorite to write?

The scene when Julie or Judy is killed. It was disturbing to me when it happened as it changed all of the story’s dynamics but what was done, was done. I regrouped, found the path forward and, I believe, that single incident enhanced the story.

Do you have any quirky writing habits? (lucky mugs, cats on laps, etc.)

I’m an early riser, a cup of coffee, an apple, new age music (no lyrics or songs that I know from radio or movies – too distracting), and I close my office door and dig in. I don’t have a word count or page count in mind. I write, occasionally search for some fact or bit of information to confirm/clarify, and slog on for a few more hours. About 10:00 there’s a snack break, another coffee, and back at it until about noon. Lunch and then the afternoon hours when I turn myself over to family matters with time to jot down ideas and/or questions.

Do you have a motto, quote, or philosophy you live by?

The lyrics to “The Fool On The Hill” – The Beatles.

If you could choose one thing for readers to remember after reading your book, what would it be?

I would like readers who are novelists or those aspiring to write fiction to take onboard the lessons learned by my fictitious author in Betwixt and Between.


Steven Twitty is the author of the new book Betwixt And Between

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