Interview with Thomas Scott, Author of State Of Killers
13 Apr 2021
What can you tell us about your new release, State Of Killers?
State of Killers is the eleventh book in The Virgil Jones Mystery / Thriller Series. Without giving away any spoilers, it touches on part of the story arc from book six, State of Freedom. In this most current novel, the main plot revolves around a group of criminals who are manufacturing drugs and transporting them from the southern part of the state to the northern counties. Virgil and the rest of the state’s Major Crimes Unit are tasked with taking out the group, but along the way they soon discover that their adversaries aren’t going down without a fight. As with all the books in the series, State of Killers is a stand-alone novel, however most people enjoy starting the series with book one and working their way forward to experience the character growth and the larger over-arching storyline.
What books are currently on your night stand?
In no particular order…Anything by James Lee Burke, John Sandford, Robert Crais, Nelson DeMille, C.J. Box, and Stephen White. There are others of course, but those are my favorites.
What advice would you give your teenage self?
Probably to go easier on my parents. There really isn’t a parenting manual, so it’s all on-the-job training. I’m sure they did the best they could, especially considering what they had to work with! In other words, I’d try not to be such a snot. As a parent myself with four grown children, sometimes I look back and cringe a little at the behavior of my younger self.
If you had an extra hour each day, how would you spend it?
With my family. Period. In each of my books I touch on family life as it relates to the detectives in the story, and even the bad guys. But family is where it’s at for me. Always has been.
What makes your world go round? Why does it bring you joy?
Almost the same answer as the previous question. Spending time with my family and friends is extremely important to me. It grounds me in ways that wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t have the kind of people in my life that I do right now. And that feeling…the grounding, is what enables me to write the kind of novels I do. As for joy, it’s all connected. Being able to write books for a living is something I’ve always dreamed of, and the people in my life (especially my wife) allow me to do just that. And that, is pure joy!
What scene from State Of Killers was your favorite to write?
Again, without spoiling the story for anyone, it was the ending of the book. There is a particular scene at the end—sort of a surprise twist—that was very challenging to write. And I love a good challenge. I wish I could say more about it, but if you read the story (especially if you’ve been with me throughout the entire series) then you’ll know what I’m talking about. And In case you haven’t been with me, now is the time, because the whole series is on sale this entire week, and always free for Kindle Unlimited members! Find out more by searching Virgil Jones Series on Amazon, or at my website,
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