
New Science Fiction Novels for Fans of Borderlands

New Science Fiction Novels for Fans of Borderlands

If Borderlands sparked your sci-fi excitement, dive into these new novels packed with thrilling adventures, futuristic worlds, and captivating tech. Each book offers a unique twist on the genre, perfect for fans craving their next cosmic journey. Explore these fresh reads and let your imagination soar!

The Adventures of Space Girl Green (Space Girl Adventures Book 2)

by R.A. Davis

Release Date: August 13 2024

The Space Girl Adventures always follow a badass heroine with an intelligent flying saucer and powerful rayguns, but Green loses both of those when she crash lands in a fantastical world and her saucer loses its mind. A high-tech, retro sci-fi retelling of the classic Wizard of Oz, but with cyborgs and robots.

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Duty’s Reward (Monster Girls in Space Book 3)

by M. Tress

Release Date: August 20 2024

With a nation as large as the Hegemony of Velvet Stars, occupying nearly two-thirds of the Milky-Way galaxy, there are plots within plots. Plans and schemes that have been moving for longer than Desmond has been alive continue along their planned path, and some of those paths will converge with his.

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Swiftsure Ascendant (Mercenary Navy Book 2)

by John Spearman

Release Date: August 20 2024

What’s left of the Union stands on the brink of financial ruin, piracy is rampant throughout the interstellar shipping lanes, Cliff Rawlins is targeted for death by his nemesis… it couldn’t get any worse, right?

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Rawlins’ Redemption (Mercenary Navy Book 1)

by D. J. Holmes

Release Date: July 23 2024

Cliff has a way to use his expertise to provide secure transport across interstellar space. A mercenary navy to defend settled space and get rich doing it. After all, he deserves it for what he went through. But there are enemies old and new who want him to fail. And this time, they want him dead…

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Starship Arcadia (Farthest Reaches Book 2)

by Brandon Ellis

Release Date: July 23 2024

With Earth on the verge of collapse and an imminent alien invasion of Kahwin, humanity’s future hangs in the balance. Will Moore’s loyalty to Earth lead to ruin?

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Shell Game (The Last Hunter Book 15)

by J.N. Chaney

Release Date: August 11 2024

Admiral Jack Romanoff and his people have located the system the Tardans are using as their command post for the invasion of the Confederation. Only they can’t simply attack militarily because of the stellar terrain, so they need to improvise.

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