Rachel Van Dyken Keep Playlist
27 Jul 2016
Did you know that Rachel Van Dyken makes Spotify playlists for some of her books? When you finish one of her novels and dive into that all too familiar “post book depression,” these songs are the perfect remedy. She recently made a playlist for her newest release, Keep, which features a god-like rockstar named Zane “Saint” Andrews who has a couple secrets that he’s hiding from the world. We like to imagine that Zane curated this awesome playlist, and we’d totally date him solely based off of his music taste. To get you started, we picked our favorite songs from the playlist that you should jam out to while reading Keep!
You can find the full playlist for Keep here.
Get The BookRachel Van Dyken Keep Playlist
1. Lost Boy by Ruth B
2. Runaway by AURORA
3. Little Dancer by Leroy Sanchez
4. Youth by Foxes
5. Hollow by Tori Kelly and Big Sean
6. Chivalry is Dead by Trevor Wesley
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